
The main curriculum we use is Memoria Press Simply Classic Curriculum. It has been adapted especially for students with significant special learning needs. We also have classes in fine arts taught by experienced members of the community.


Classical Christian

Curabitur aliquam justo ex, ac varius sem facilisis a. In vel felis eros. Fusce ipsum enim, ultrices at ante sollicitudin, faucibus hendrerit nunc. Nullam tempor nulla eu imperdiet interdum.


Cottage School

Curabitur aliquam justo ex, ac varius sem facilisis a. In vel felis eros. Fusce ipsum enim, ultrices at ante sollicitudin, faucibus hendrerit nunc. Nullam tempor nulla eu imperdiet interdum.



CCA works with parents to scale learning so each child is given a rich education at their skill level while remaining in a class setting.



Latin is a foundation in our English language and it gives a practical boost to many subjects due to their terms having Latin roots.



Fine Arts and more…

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Concordia Classical Academy is a warm and wonderful environment for students and parents! The tutors have greatly helped empower and equip me as a home teacher to make sure my kiddos have the best school experience I can give them! We’ve loved every minute of it!!!
2021-2022 Parent