About US

Building the future

“Concordia Classical Academy” exists because of the sustaining power of our heavenly Father. “He is the vine, we are the branches.” (John 15:5) Apart from him, we could not exist. In 2021 we found a common need for a homeschool option which supports parents, allows all students to work together regardless of talent or challenge, holds to the rich history of classical education, and glorifies our Savior. Our goal is to partner with parents to draw children toward growth of character and mastery of subjects, teaching children to see the true, good, and beautiful in their studies and the world around them.


Classical Education

Curabitur aliquam justo ex, ac varius sem facilisis a. In vel felis eros. Fusce ipsum enim.


Curabitur aliquam justo ex, ac varius sem facilisis a. In vel felis eros. Fusce ipsum enim.

Code of Conduct

Curabitur aliquam justo ex, ac varius sem facilisis a. In vel felis eros. Fusce ipsum enim.

Cottage School

Curabitur aliquam justo ex, ac varius sem facilisis a. In vel felis eros. Fusce ipsum enim.

Scope & Sequence

Curabitur aliquam justo ex, ac varius sem facilisis a. In vel felis eros. Fusce ipsum enim.

Latin Foundation

Curabitur aliquam justo ex, ac varius sem facilisis a. In vel felis eros. Fusce ipsum enim.

Staff & Teachers

Eduard Ungureanu

Eduard Ungureanu


Christina Foster

Christina Foster

Latin Tutor

Jason Wardak

Jason Wardak

Fine Arts

Send Us a Message!

Interested in learning more about the school? Have questions? Or just want to say ‘hello’?
We’d love to hear from you!

Concordia Classical Academy is a warm and wonderful environment for students and parents! The tutors have greatly helped empower and equip me as a home teacher to make sure my kiddos have the best school experience I can give them! We’ve loved every minute of it!!!
2021-2022 Parent